Research Centre

Das frisch sanierte, helle Druckereigebäude leuchtet vor herbstlicher Kulisse.

Interdisciplinary research into the history of the Francke Foundations from the 17th to the 20th century is part of the mission and self-image of the Foundations as a researching and mediating cultural institution. To this end, the Research Centre develops scientific perspective plans as well as research projects and acts as an interface to regional, national and international institutions and cooperation partners. In addition, concepts for the annual exhibitions are developed and conferences and workshops are held. Special attention is paid to the promotion of young scientists.

Dr. Liselotte Kirchner Scholarship Programme

Thanks to a generous foundation by Dr. Liselotte Kirchner (Offenbach), the Francke Foundations are able to award research grants. The aim of the scholarship programme is to further develop research on the history of the Francke Foundations on the basis of their rich source collections.

Conferences, Workshops, Call for Papers

The Research Centre regularly holds conferences and workshops at the Francke Foundations in Halle. It takes part in international conferences.

Teaching and Qualification Work

The Research Centre is linked to the teaching at the Institute of History of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
At present, the Foundations support the following scholars and their research:


Auf Basis aktueller Forschungen und in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Kustodie der Stiftungen sowie weiteren Akteur:innen entwickelt die Stabsstelle eigene Ausstellungsprojekte.

Department's Staff

Anna Diagileva

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft Stabsstelle Forschung

Dr. Thomas Grunewald

Scholarship Programme, Project »Education for all in the 18th c.«

[Translate to Englisch:] Foto Thomas Grunewald
Giulia Speciale

Projekt »Borneo-Objekte in der Kunst- und Naturalienkammer«