Offers for Families

Clothes parlour

Exchange platform

Zwei Mädchen probieren Hüte und Schals als Erweiterung ihres Modestils an.
Children grow up and outgrow their clothes. You don't have to throw them away. We take care of the distribution of clothes, toys and books. Please come on Mondays between 10 and 12 o'clock or by appointment to the family floor. Bring something used and well-preserved or choose something suitable. In doing so, you will not only support other families, you will also make an important contribution to protecting the environment.

Die Stimmen der Dinge

digitale Rettungsmission
Familien und Kinder (6-12 Jahre)

Die Dinge in der Wunderkammer werden vom Vergessen bedroht. Ich, Tayé, das Krokodil brauche deine Hilfe. Sei dabei und entreiße dem Vergessen Spiel für Spiel die Geschichten meiner Freundinnen und Freunde!


Hilfe im Alltag

Unsere Familienlots:innen sind ausgebildete Fachkräfte und unterstützen Familien und Alleinerziehenden mit Kindern, im Alter von 0-3 Jahren. Die Familienlots:innen begleiten Ihre Familie nach individueller Absprache beispielsweise bei Behördengänge
oder helfen Ihnen passende Anlaufstellen für Ihre Bedürfnisse und Fragen zu finden.

Family mentors

Help in everyday life

Eine Familienpatin betreut das Kleinkind, während die Mutter sich um den Säugling kümmert.
Family sponsorships for a good start for young families and single parents with children in everyday life from 0-3 years:

Our sponsors support you in everyday life!

Within the framework of a family sponsorship, these accompany your family for up to one year in individual agreement.
This gives you time to romp with your sibling, plan a doctor's visit or take care of official business in peace.

Gruppen & Kurse 2024

für Schwangere + Eltern + Kinder

Bitte beachten Sie die Übersicht und Beschreibung der Gruppen & Kurse unter Downloads.

Help for Families


Foto: Gruppenfoto Familien mit kleinen Kindern auf der Familienetage
On requirement basis, we offer every family an expert initial consultation in their current situation. We arrange concrete offers or recommend custom-fit contacts.

Learning support

Individual support for pupils

In close cooperation with committed volunteers, we offer your child help with learning if the teachers have recognised the need for support and you are entitled to the educational package. We will be happy to assist you with your application. The dates for the learning support can be arranged individually.

Reading sponsorship

Advice and mediation

Volunteers inspire children to read with reading sessions in daycare centers and after-school care centers. Fascinating book worlds and exciting stories are discovered together, where children can enjoy reading, learn new things and be inspired by the imagination.

We are looking for committed people who have time once a week in the mornings and are not disturbed by lively children.

Stammtisch Sprache

open speech offer

Stammtisch Sprache
You want to learn German? Then come to the "Stammtisch Sprache".
We are looking forward to meeting you!

-help with tasks from language courses
-Practice speaking
-help with letters and applications
-Care for children
-Talks, meeting and exchange
-Language in motion: Course for children

Currents events


Saturday, 06/01/2024

Tasty treats for your health. Practical experience of wild and garden herbs

Long day of urban nature

10:00 amAn Open Offer
Sunday, 06/02/2024

Family Hour in the Museum

11:00 amChildren's Program
Saturday, 06/08/2024

Historisches Lindenblütenfest

Lasst uns was spielen!

10:00 amFest